The technology i used was limited to only three devices due ti availability, and convenience, What I used was the devices of an apple iPad, an iPhone, and a Dell computer. Reasons for the use of the ipad was mainly to have a larger portable screen which made it easier to edit things as it was touch screen. Next was was the iPhone this was used for photo exporting. Since it is difficult for e to get photos from my dell I use my phone to do this part of the job. And finally was dell this is my main things for submission I have mybig screen, used to to summit my actual commercial it is for convenience of doing things I cant do on personal devices. Those are the teach I used each for a different reason.
I learned that a project is hard work. I now know if I'm not on time I'm not going to be able to submit things ontime. i learned that putting it all together is all about organization, structure and pasing.If i have no passing in anyway there wont be a stable structure.Eith out a stable structure it will be disorganized. A disorganized text leads to it not making sense and struggle reading it. This even made it hard for me to comprehend.
What i need to do better is everything i just recently learned to do. During this process i learned structure and organization. I wished I started this from the beginning because it would have made the process of writing much easier. And another main thing I have problems with is how indescicse I am. Every single production bloged I changed something large in detail making things harder so I want to prevent that more so. As well as get more insperiation before I start one of the reasons I did not do as well because I did not know what I was trying to make.
in the end this was an amazing first experiment for a project despite some troubles of indecisiveness and structure. And after this experiment I am ready for the next one with many major changes to my work ethic.
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