Title research: Art of the title website
I am researching for the purpose of further understanding the process of coming up with titles for my project. So many films keep it interesting by allowing the propper order for the casting important people and the title slide and its order.I never pay attention when watching it which is why i must Reasearch this important information to ensure my success. And i also want my title area to be special to come up with the perfect iconic name of my mini film. Something iconic like IT although the same name of a book it provides curiosity. Or are we there yet or are we done yet if you know the name of the fil you can tell its a sequel and the name tells you exactly what you will be trying to do int the movie. I want to see how films keep you interested while giving the title information. I want to have something interesting that keeps you you happy and thinking fun. And to see how i can do it while making it seem incorporated in the film for example the name could see a name on a hoodie or floor. And finally have a progressing plot in the title sequence or have something that gives an scary feeling
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