Production blog: Recording is finally done
This was a very safe production t film my final task. We had water tp prevent dehydration. We had a fake knife to prevent any injuries. If there was any injuries we had alcohol wipes and bandages. I worked very diligently. I made sure to take breaks.Takimg. breaks is important to stay safe. When my brother helped me recorded he had his own procedure as well.i made sure he went to bed in time for his mental well being since it was a night scene. He had school tomorrow and enjoyed his rest. Lunch was also provided or dinner. I gave him pizza to eat after his good job. For me ate some banana bread. When it came to my final day of production it was quite interesting. I enjoyed recording all the scenes. My little brother and i did a screaming scene. And it was weird holding the camera while doing the scene. I also think my acting was amazing despite the zero
dollar budget. For example in one scene i had to cry so i yawned and thought about titanic to bring about tears. In another i had to smile all crepily i watched a scene from It to see how the actor playing pennywise did it. Did it pale in comparison absolutely but i think watching it helped.
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